As a membership owned and managed club, investment in the course is central to achieving a happy membership. Therefore, our very experienced Course Manager, Jeff Foulger, and his team of seven greenkeepers and apprentices work alongside our Greens Committee who represents the best interests of all playing members.
Sometimes a tricky balance to achieve, we recognise that new projects must be prioritised sensibly alongside regular maintenance tasks. A healthy budget is made available to ensure;
* Maximum course playability – year round
* Quality of greens, tees, fairways and bunkers are maintained and improved
* Trees and larger tasks are undertaken by outside contractors
* Maintenance works include clearing ditches and creating more pathways
Most recently, we have refurbished many bunkers around the course, installed flood defences and completed a refurbishment of the courtyard. Being a tree-lined course, an efficient tree maintenance programme is in place,both for health and safety and aesthetic reasons and this is achieved mainly with our external specialist contractors.
We have also undertaken a major course review along with the original designers of the course, Hawtree Ltd, who are now making recommendations for improvements, whilst retaining the fundamental character of the course.